Sunday, February 13

53rd Annual Grammy Awards :]

still not going to school :]

pagi pagi after breakfast and stuff,online kejap.
and then, tengok Grammy Award.
perfomance diorg dahsyat dahsyat.
like BAMM !

Grammy Award ni live from L.A
time diorg dekat sana malam ahad, kita pagi isnin.
ramai artist ada.
Lady Gaga,J bieber,Usher,Bruno Mars,Marinda Lambert,Rihanna,
Katy Perry,BOB,Muse,Jaden Smith and ramai la lagi.

Justin Bieber punya perfomance mmg PERH !
he playing guitar,sit on a chair,singing ' Baby '
then a group of ninja came on.
jaden smith also came on.
they singing ' Never say Never ' together.
they really AWESOME.

then Usher pulak nyanyi ' OMG '
he do the rap dance with Justin Bieber.
singing like a crazy guy.jump here jump there.
they really good :]
seriously, suara JB dah berubah.
myb dah puberty.HAHA.

macam macam lagi yang ada.mmg enjoy la tengok.


p/s: HEYY Lady Gaga ! you such a douche bag.
    you dont deserve to win the Pop Album.